
Friday, 9 December 2011

It's Christmas......................

Lush - Christmas Eve Bubble Bar

Now I don't often buy for myself from Lush and don't often go in, I think because the smell is so strong sometimes but they have some gorgeous stuff! The last think  I bought for myself from there was a gorgeous bubblegum lip scrup which was fab on the lips to scrub dead skin away and scrummy to lick off as it was made with real sugar (bonus!!!).

Anyway I was in Harrogate with my Mam doing some Christmas shopping and I popped into Lush, I picked up something for my future Mother in Law as well as this lovely bubble bar for myself. It's called Christmas Eve (I am feeling very much in the Christmas Spirit this year), and it caught my eye as it reminded me of Van Gogh's Starry Night painting which I love, and even better it smells utterly divine!!

It has scents of Jasmine and Ylang Ylang and isn't too overpowering which is good. I have only used a little bit so far (as didn't want to use it all at once), it crumbled quite nicely into the bath and did bubble up quite well, however it didn't all disolve so I was left with a few lumps of blue which blogged the plug hole and the bubbles did die quite quick, however i think this may have been because I only used a small ammount whereas if you used say half or even it all I think it would be mega bubbly and hopefully last longer. It did leave my skin feeling nice and soft so all in all quite pleased with this and would buy it again.


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