
Thursday 9 February 2012

Lengthened lashes or flaky clumps.......

No 17 - Peep Show Mascara with lengthening fibres

Ok so I've been having a mascara dilema, my Bad Gal Lash ran out ages ago so I've been buying less expensive drugstore ones, however none of them have come up to the mark and therefore the conclusion is I think I'll have to go and get a Bad Gal Lash pretty soon!! Don't get me wrong as I have nothing against less expensive mascaras as some of them are really good, particularly Bourjois and a couple of collection 2000 ones, however lately I seemed to have just picked the wrong mascaras, the downfall of crazy impulse buys from Boots I think!

This mascara I thought was ok to begin with, however I have decided that I am disappointed with it especially as it has now dried out and I haven't had it that long!!! The brush is ok and does give defined lashes but does tend to clump the lashes a bit and then flaked off during the day which I didn't think was good for a lasting look. I haven't noticed my lashes get any longer from the lengthening fibres either!!

Although less expensive mascara's can be ok, when they are not it becomes less cost effective as you then need to go out and buy more and therefore may as well have just bought a slightly more expensive one which you know will be ok!

Happy mascara hunting!

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