
Sunday 12 February 2012

Review: Batiste Dry Shampoo

Fragrance: Sassy and Daring Wild

Since I have been growing my hair for our wedding this June I could not be without dry shampoo as it makes my life so much more easier! I used to be a wash the hair everyday kind of girl as my hair was short (at one point a pixie crop) and I had the time to blow dry and straighten it all the time, however now it is longer I just don't have the time to do this everyday as well as that it isn't good on your hair to be washing and blow drying it everyday as it can strip the goodness out of it (which I was aware of but just didn't pay attention to before). I also now at the weekend like to let my hair dry naturally to give it a rest from heat styling which I think is important to keep the hair in good condition.

This little gem of dry shampoo I use probably every other day just on my roots and brush it out to freshen the hair and then I either tie it up in a top knot bun or just let it be au natural and be crazily wavy, and I mean massively wavy!! Batiste is also really good if you like to do a bit of backcombing which is always better on day old hair and this helps to add a bit of texture to the hair for creating styles.

I have used the original Batiste and a couple of the fragrance ones which come in these funky design cans which look good on the dressing table. I have to say a couple of the fragrances are too much on the coconut edge for me but this one I do like as it has a slight vanilla fragrance to it but isn't overpowering! I am going to invest in a travel size can for handbag for during the day in case the roots look a little greasy as the day progresses!

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