
Tuesday 3 January 2012

My Make-up Box

I have a couple of boxes that I use to store my make-up, two of which are empty Glossybox boxes which I thought would be perfect storage, and the other is the above which is a fantastic vintage Barbour's box, complete with folding mirror on the inside of the lid!! I cannot express how much I love this box, it's quirky, unusual and perfect for storing lots of items in, I have had jewellery in it, nail varnishes and now it's been allocated my Make-up to look after :-), I love anything that is unusual for storing things in, it makes something ordinary seem more interesting and whimsical if it's in interesting storage do you not think??

Do you keep your make-up in anything unusual, special or funky???

Anyway the make-up box is going to be part of a new item on my blog which will happen weekly and I hope you will like it and join in on the posts :-)!

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